6 Steps to Low-Cost Manufacturing of Private Label Foundation

The pursuit of beauty is women’s natural characteristic. In addition to daily skin care, choosing a healthy, skin-friendly foundation is the foundation of a beautiful makeup look.

If a girl develops acne and acne marks in her teenage years, in addition to acne removal and repair, foundation has a certain covering ability and can hide acne marks and stains on the skin. If you have stubborn dark circles before, which are mostly caused by fatigue and irregular life, then liquid foundation can also cover the dark circles and make people look more energetic.

Different types of foundation can have different functions, showing its increasing multi-functionality. For example, oil-control foundation can absorb excess oil and avoid excessive shine in the T-zone. The moisturizing foundation has moisturizing function and moisturizes the skin.


Due to the many benefits of foundation, it has become one of the must-have cosmetics for girls, and the market purchase volume of foundation has gradually increased. According to business survey data, the global liquid foundation market size has reached US$7.2675 billion in 2021, the market size is expected to reach US$23.33575 billion in 2031, with a compound annual growth rate of 4.9% during the forecast period. Although the growth rate has been affected by the epidemic, the overall scale growth has recovered.

For the above reasons, more business owners are participating in the creation of their Private Label foundation products. Combining the strong manufacturing capabilities of foundries with lightweight brand marketing allows business owners to gain more profits, and this model Probably the lowest cost.


6 Steps to Low-Cost Manufacturing of Private Label Foundation


1.Find market positioning and determine target groups

If you are a start-up, To make a better private label foundation, you need to clearly define the market positioning of your Private Label  foundation and determine the target consumer group.

You can purchase professional market research reports, including consumer needs, preferences, competitor situations, etc. Or search for some professional analysis reports on the Internet to avoid just looking at scattered information in short video content, which requires a certain amount of time to study.



Foundation development trends:

Natural and light: As girls pursue natural makeup, light and natural makeup has become the mainstream. In the future, foundation products will pay more attention to lightness and conformability, showing the skin’s natural texture and having a good concealing effect.

Multifunctionality: Multifunctional cosmetics are more efficient and are the trend of the future. Future foundation products may have multiple functions, such as sun protection, concealer, moisturizing, anti-pollution, etc., which means technological innovation will accelerate.

Customization: In order to meet different skin types, complexions and personal needs, the competitiveness of traditional mass foundations may be weakening, and market segments are more worthy of your attention.

Technological innovation: Foundation product research and development will rely more on technological means, such as using new formulas, extracting more natural ingredients, and exploring better skin matching algorithms.


2.Develop products and design formulas according to the needs of target groups

After determining the market positioning and target groups, we need to move to the next step, product development and formula design. This requires selecting suitable raw materials and formulas based on your market demand characteristics.

If you are a giant enterprise, you can also consider self-research and production. If you are a start-up or want to develop products at low cost, you can consider cooperating with OEM&ODM manufacturers, such as Leecosmetic, a well-known cosmetics foundry in China.


You only need to provide your ideas and tell the characteristics of your target customers, and then Leecosmetic’s marketing team will provide you with a plan, provide free sample testing, and provide high-quality foundation that meets market demand.



Benefits of partnering with Leecosmetic to create your own brand of foundation

Cost savings: Compared with building a self-built factory, working with Leecosmetic can save costs. You do not need to invest in equipment purchase, production line construction and human resources training.

Professional technical support: Leecosmetic has a professional technical team and production facilities, providing the latest production technology and professional production processes to ensure stable product quality.

Flexible production: Leecosmetic can customize products that meet your brand standards according to your needs, including formula, packaging and product specifications.

Speed and efficiency: Leecosmetic can quickly start production to meet market demand and respond to rapidly changing market conditions. For example, due to the influence of self-media such as TikTok, the demand growth of some categories may suddenly increase, so production capacity is very important.

Reduce risks: Leecosmetic can help you share the risks in production and supply chain, avoiding many potential risks faced by building your own factory.

Focus on brand marketing: By outsourcing production, you can make management flatter and your business more efficient. For example, your team may become more efficient and focus on brand building, marketing and sales strategy development.


3.Create a packaging design that matches the brand image

The packaging design of foundation products needs to match the brand image, including appearance design, color selection, logo, etc.

Leecosmetic not only provides manufacturing, but also provides ODM services. Through packaging and brand image, Leecosmetic shows the unique charm of the product and resonates with the target audience, which can cultivate loyal consumers.


no logo natural full coverage liquid makeup foundation:https://leecosmetic.com/product/no-logo-natural-full-coverage-liquid-makeup-foundation/


4.Ensure product safety and production qualification compliance

When creating your Private Label foundation, you must ensure that the product complies with local or target market laws, regulations, safety standards and quality certification requirements, and follows compliance production standards.

Leecosmetic has long been ISO and GMP certified and has an experienced professional team specializing in the production of high-quality cosmetic products. Services include product development, packaging design, production and quality control.

Help you sell private label foundation products to various countries around the world, including the European Union, North America and other places that have strict product quality requirements. Due to the compliance of our product quality, you can avoid regulatory troubles.



5.Find a brand marketing method that suits you

After Leecosmetic completes the manufacturing and packaging of your foundation, the next step is brand marketing.

There are many ways of brand marketing, and it is generally recommended that brand merchants choose according to their budget, including online and offline channel marketing activities, social media promotion, brand cooperation, and various forms of advertising.

online marketing

In terms of online marketing, brands can cooperate with beauty experts and use the appeal of self-media experts to attract the first batch of users to try the products. At the same time, girls are often emotional. Remember to make a brand video to let them feel the connotation of the brand and be moved by the value you spread.

In terms of offline marketing, you can hold brand launches or product promotion meetings, actively participate in industry exhibitions, and have direct initial contact with customers. However, you cannot ignore the power of the Internet. It is necessary to start live broadcast at the same time to expand the promotion effect.


6.Actively record customer feedback and continuously improve brand operations

The purpose of marketing promotion is not only to obtain huge profits immediately, but to verify the market, collect data, and then feedback the actual situation to the manufacturer to evaluate whether to change the marketing strategy to achieve the best results.



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